Unison Workspaces
Level 2, 165 The Strand
Parnell, Auckland
Never has there been such sweet fusion between frame and seat. Spy is characterised by its accurately conceived construction, by the master craftsmanship in the shell which folds and receives the back leg.
A softly elegant design which bestows imminent comfort upon its guest and prestige to its surroundings.
Stained or lacquered armchair in solid beech, with an upholstered plywood shell. The new lounge chair and pouf expand the range with its
iconic design.
A metal base, carefully modelled on the upholstered Spy shell yields a most strikingly and stylishly designed variant.
Spy Steel boldly and freshly expresses the classic characteristics of comfort.
A complete range of tables, each with the unmissable leg feature, displays stylistic coherence throughout, from the coffee tables at two
heights, through a stylish revisitation of the refectory table, to standard round and square shapes.
The natural completion of a grouping that oozes stylistic cohesion and sophistication.
The design of the leg becomes the leitmotiv that is a most satisfying aesthetic bond between the armchair and the table.
Clarity of design, expert stitch work by our upholsterers: a winning combination.